- On 20 May 2016
- By Thomas
Via Lingua Florence Site Visits
Via Lingua Florence Educational Site Visits
The Via Lingua Florence TEFL Program provides trainees the opportunity to visit and observe local educational institutions to learn about importance of English in the classroom. Via Lingua Florence enjoys a longstanding close relationship with the “Scuola di Scienze Aziendali” (School of Business Studies) in Florence. The school was founded in 1985 thanks to a joint public and private initiative by the Chamber of Commerce, the City Council, the Provincial Council and the Florence Industrial Association. It is a vocational training school primarily aimed at preparing students for their first job (18-28 years), and the main objective of training is to provide students with the skills needed as executives and top managers of small businesses. The basic course is in Business Administration: 18 months, of which 12 in class (full time and with mandatory attendance) and 6 attending internships in companies chosen by the School. English is a vital component of the innovative curriculum. http://www.scuolascienzeaziendali.org/en